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曼茶羅とは、言葉だけでは言い表せないものごとの真理や教えを描いたものです。言葉に顕して説いた「顕教(けんぎょう)」に対して、言葉以外の表現で教えを説いていったのが密教です。古代インドで釈迦が開いた仏教の中から生まれた大乗仏教の宗派として広まり、インドから中国を経て空海が真言密教として発展させてきました。「東寺」は空海が中国から持ち帰った密教を広めるために嵯峨天皇から任されたことで誕生した日本で最初の密教寺院です。密教寺院では本尊の東側に「胎蔵界曼茶羅」西側に「金剛界曼茶羅」を祀ります。この二つの曼茶羅を合わせて「両界曼荼羅」と呼びます仏教の世界では宇宙を構成している要素を「地・水・火・風・空」の五つ(五大)で出来ていると考え、密教ではこれに「識大」を加えて「六大」と呼んでいます。「胎蔵界曼茶羅」は五大(物質世界)の理(ことわり)を説いたもので理曼茶羅とも言い、「金剛界曼茶羅」は識大を説いたもので五大を認識しようとする心の働き(智 さとり)から生まれる曼茶羅であるため智曼茶羅ともいいます。「五大」と「識大」は対照的であると同時に本来はひとつのものである(金胎理智不二)ということを表したのが「両界曼荼羅」です。



The process of the cycle of life from birth to death is regarded as one result of " bearing fruit", and the red fruit is peeled off from the branches and eaten to express the cycle and universality of life.



Earth / heavy / sweet (universal)

Viburnum / Satsuma potato / Beet / Pumpkin



There are various aspects to the impression received from words, and "fire" has a warm, gentle and gentle aspect. It also expresses the characteristics of itself that can be felt by combining it with the paired quality .



Fire / cold / spicy (mild)

Soy milk / ginger / radish / wolfberry fruit



Some elements are mixed and imitated in a clean thing without "injury".

Experience that the contour can be felt by taste and smell even if it is not visible.




Water / oil / salt (clean)

Kelp / Kanpyo / Soybean / Pinus parviflora


Things that can't be grabbed by hand. Only with a sense can you recognize the existence of itself . Here, by visualizing it, what is "there" appears.

One recognizes that what is memorized by the accumulation of those experiences exists in front of us.

Wind / dry / acid (activity)

Chestnut / Ginkgo / Lotus root / Sudachi / Soba



The five majors are not meant to correspond to each feature, but are regarded as "nature".

"Sky" has the property of being inclusive, and has a broad heart and accepts everything regardless of the other party.

It means that. This dish is a classic Japanese dish, and represents a space by offering a combination of dishes originally made from each ingredient.


Sky / heat / astringency (capacity)

Turnip / Persimmon / Walnut Miso



A scholarly university that represents "wisdom" as opposed to the five majors that represent "reason." This means that even if there is color, it is the same as colorless if you do not want to see it, and it is said that the work of the mind to see is "wisdom". The sensation of being insubstantial, which disappears quickly, is an attempt to make you aware of what is there.


Knowledge, lightness, bitterness (satoshi)

Kikuhana / Yellow Yuzu / Cardamom / Syrup / Grilled salt

After meals

Chinese tea HANAE hanae

It is a white tea produced in Lincang, Yunnan Province, made from tea trees about 100 years old in a naturally cultivated tea plantation located at an altitude of 2000-2100m. HANAE is characterized by its gorgeous citrus fruity aroma that spreads in the mouth, its natural sweetness, and the richness that is sucked into the back of the throat.

This tea is selected by Yuya Toda of "IDLE MOMENT", which sells Chinese and Taiwanese teas based in Niigata. Ayurvedic knowledge suggests that the astringency at the end of a meal is very good for preventing overeating and promoting digestion.

Tea type: Yunnan old tree White tea Origin: China / Lincang , Yunnan Production year: Spring 2019

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Reason and wisdom


This "souvenir" was made by reusing the scraps of the material used in this work, with the theme of reducing food loss and making it more sustainable. Bamboo skin is used for wrapping, and this bamboo skin can be washed and used repeatedly.

While having a waxy film on the surface, it has moderate breathability, tough fiber and strength, and also has antibacterial action of phenolic substances, and has the effect of delaying the growth of bacteria due to foreign matter contamination from the outside and the passage of time of food. .. I learned from the wisdom of our predecessors that it is important to maintain deliciousness and to be considerate of the environment.


Best-by date: Store in the refrigerator and consume as soon as possible.

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